200 Years of RNLI

This year the RNLI celebrates 200 years of saving lives at sea. The charity is funded entirely by public donations and its heroic activities are totally dependent on volunteers giving of their time. Founded in a London tavern on 4 March 1824, the RNLI has continued its work throughout the tests of time, including tragic disasters, funding challenges and two World Wars. Two centuries have seen great developments in the lifeboats and kit used by the charity’s lifesavers – the early oar-powered vessels have become today’s technology-packed boats, now built in-house by the charity; and rudimentary cork lifejackets of the 1850s have been replaced by a full protective kit issued to each crew member.

Hayley Whiting, the RNLI Heritage Archive and Research Manager, will share stories and treasures from the RNLI’s heritage collections, giving a tour of an inspiring history and illustrating stories of courage, innovation and kindness. From the original Appeal to the Nation pamphlet where it all started, to major technological developments, incredible rescues, war, and innovative fundraising, she will reveal some lesser-known parts of the RNLI’s history and discuss some rare objects from the its archives.

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How to chat to everyone

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If you have a question you would like to ask the speaker, you can simply click the ‘Ask a Question’ button at the bottom of the event screen which will prompt a box to pop up. You will then see a red button saying ‘Ask a question or suggest a topic’.

Click this, then you can then start to type your question. Once you have typed your question, press the enter key to submit.

How to type your question

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How to ask a question

Cast your vote

Some of our events may have a live poll for you to vote on. This could be a vote for the next event you’d like to see or a discussion topic you would like covered. This may be live at the start of the event or throughout the talk, so make sure you keep an eye out periodically.

How to suggest a topic

To vote, click on the Polls button at the bottom right-hand corner of the event screen which will prompt a box to pop up. Here you will see the poll and you can make your choice.

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