January - February 2018 Digital Magazine
The start of a year is always an exciting time, when we shrug off the old and make plans for new adventures. This issue is packed with ideas for great days out and memorable experiences, from endurance rallies across remote deserts (for the seriously intrepid) to a stroll around London or York (for the rest of us).
As you make your plans for 2018, Boundless is here to help. Our range of approved partners offer members discounts on everything from ferry tickets to theme parks, so do check before booking. Our Boundless Breaks destinations are in some of England's loveliest spots - from the Lake District to Cornwall - and members save up to 20%. There are some fantastic member events to look forward to, too. Our Concorde dinner in November was a sell-out success (watch the video on our You Tube channel for a flavour), and tickets for our RAF centenary dinner in July are already selling fast. Other events will be confirmed soon.
Finally, many thanks to the thousands of you who responded to our recent reader survey. Your responses revealed the diversity and passions that are at the heart of our club, and will help us bring you more stories and advice on the subjects you care about - particularly UK days out, money-saving and motoring.
Happy New Year to you all.
Carl Fillery, CEO Boundless
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