Classic Vehicle Group
About the event
8.30am to 5pm, Saturday 16 August 2025
The Classic Vehicle Group is inviting you to the 2025 Capel Show.
We will again be reserving a limited number of spaces for members at this popular show, which has a traditional village fete atmosphere and, as well as the cars & bikes, there is a flower show, dog show, plus a range of craft, plant and refreshment stalls.
Entries open on 1st March when these details will be updated telling you how to register.
Entry is by charitable donation to Friends of St. John The Baptist and you can choose how much to donate when you register.
For more information after 1st March and to enter online, log in to the Boundless website and then use the dedicated link provided to the Capel Show website.
Follow the instructions depending on the category of vehicle you wish to exhibit.
When completing your personal details at the “checkout” stage, when you get to the “Are you joining the show with your club…?” choose “yes” and select, “Boundless CVG” from the drop down options.
Once you have entered, if you could let me know by email, then I will know how many to expect on the day – many thanks, Dave
Entry by charitable donation
The Street, Capel, RH5 5LB
Please log in to see booking details.